There is a taboo, you could even say, a stereotype, that fervently clings to the private jet industry. It is one of inaccessibility; of being aloof, unapproachable, and distant. Something to dream about but that never enters the mind as a real possibility.
This koala-bear grasp on the minds of travelers is not without reason. For years, decades even, most media coverage that involved a private jet was likely to also include celebrities, royalty, or the amazingly wealthy who become famous in their own right for just such luxuries.
The world is a changing place however, and the accessibility of private jet charter has expanded rapidly. Private business owners, corporations, and other professionals who rely on travel, are finding that owning or chartering a private jet is an investment that pays more than its fair share in dividends.
The Perks of the Empty Leg
The availability of the empty leg is a great example of how the availability of private jets is rapidly expanding.
An empty leg is a trip that a jet is required to take but for which there are no passengers scheduled. This often happens when an aircraft needs to return to base after a mission, or is in route to a specific mission from it’s base.
The benefit of these legs, also known as a “One-Way” is that, if you are not on a tight schedule, it is possible to enjoy all the efficiency, luxury, and pleasure of a private flight, at a lower cost.
Unlike a trip that is based entirely on your own scheduling needs, the empty leg offers less-flexibility. However, as an elegant and private means to get from here to there, these flights are the way to go.
Save Time and Money by Keeping in Touch
Professional staff preparing a charter jet for an empty leg flight
For an up-coming trip, with a flexible schedule, Presidential’s empty leg options are available on our website. They change almost daily, so checking back frequently or subscribing to our Empty Leg Alerts is key to finding the best option for you. In the end, the effort is still far less than that required to book a commercial airline.
The jet charter industry is growing. More and more business are discovering the benefits that an efficient, state of the art flight gives them. These businesses are managed by men and women who work hard and understand the value of comfortable, stress-free travel that makes them more productive.
If you’ve been considering a private jet for an upcoming meeting, vacation, or corporate event, finding an empty leg flight is a great way to test the waters and see the advantages first-hand. Treat yourself to an enjoyable, productive, and safe trip.